


We at Bridge Bharat are on a perpetual quest to uncover the hidden gems of Indian art and the talented individuals who bring these masterpieces to life. In May of 2023, our quest led us to the sun-kissed sands of Rajasthan, where we sought to unearth a treasure trove of traditional art forms. Our journey took us to the temple city of Nathdwara, a vibrant hub nestled amidst the majestic Aravali hills. Nathdwara is not only renowned for its Shrinathji Temple but also for its rich artistic heritage, which has captivated art enthusiasts for centuries.

Our exploration began with a visit to the sacred Shrinathji Temple, where we immersed ourselves in the spiritual essence of Pushti Marg, a revered Vaishnava tradition. The temple's serene ambiance and the palpable devotion of the devotees set the stage for our artistic adventure. From the temple, we ventured into Chitrakron ki Gali, aptly known as 'artist's street', a narrow lane teeming with the creative energy of generations of Nathdwara painters. Our first stop was the studio of Jitendra Swarnkar, a renowned Pichwai artist and a passionate art collector. With an infectious enthusiasm, Jitendra delved into the intricacies of Pichwai painting, explaining the symbolism behind various motifs and the fascinating story of how Deccan Pichwai elements were incorporated into the traditional Nathdwara style. We were mesmerised by the vibrant colours, the intricate details, and the stories woven into each brushstroke. Jitendra's passion for his craft was evident in his every word, as he shared insights into the history of Nathdwara painting and the techniques that have been passed down through generations.

Our journey through Nathdwara continued as we met with other artists, each with their unique style and perspective. We witnessed the painstaking process of creating Pichwai paintings, from preparing the canvas to applying the final touches of gold leaf. We were captivated by the dedication and skill of these artists, who continue to uphold the rich traditions of Nathdwara painting.
As our time in Nathdwara drew to a close, we left with a deeper appreciation for the artistry and spirituality that permeate this enchanting city. Our journey not only unveiled the treasures of Nathdwara's art but also revealed the profound connection between art and faith in Indian culture. We were grateful for the opportunity to immerse ourselves in this vibrant artistic community and to witness firsthand the enduring legacy of Nathdwara painting.
